Here we go!
This is it, folks! It’s a “make it or break it” kind of week – Olympic trials in Omaha, Nebraska. What better way to ease my jitters than to check in with all the awesome moms out there? Anything to get my mind off of the pressure and nerves is 100% welcome (don’t you worry – I’m still focused as ever – simply channeling my high energy elsewhere!). The competition is high and I’m feeling more ready than ever. Here is to hoping for a fast, impressive performance. But, enough about the meet!
Getting a chance to leave the house for any kind of trip is always an adventure with my two boys – it comes along with some good, bad, stress and most importantly, fun! While this week is not a typical trip for the family, it still involved running too close to our departure times and searching around the house to grab those last-minute, forgotten items (only to find that youactually did stuff them in your suitcase). Not to mention, this trip did not have days of relaxation to follow the hectic day of traveling!
I’ll tell you what the rushed packing did give me, though: an even bigger appreciation for my Maytag washer and dryer. I realized before leaving for the airport that a load of laundry was sitting, still untouched and dirty, in the washer. Yes, like most of you have often done, I forgot to press the “start” button! Thank goodness those machines run so quickly and efficiently. My clothes were washed and dried in no time! For any moms out there searching the market for a new set, I highly suggest any Maytag appliances – they proved to be a lifesaver this week.
I want to hear about all of your traveling experiences with your family – the good and the bad. How do you maintain your sanity when you’re running late to catch the flight or a suitcase goes missing? Share your stories with me!

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