Swimsuit Season
We’re in the middle of that time of year again – where our kids beg us to spend any free afternoon at the pool. I’m sure most of you can relate. When swimsuit season rolls around, it’s gym time!
Many of us moms don’t have the time to spend hours in the gym perfecting our beach bods and six-pack abs. That’s why it’s always good to have a few 15-30 minute workouts at your disposal. These quick exercise routines are perfect for women with a hectic schedule. Whether you’re waiting for your daughter to pick out her favorite suit or for your son to find his goggles, take those few extra moments to squeeze in a workout! These will help make your body tighter and more toned in your suit.
Try my suggested dry land moves below. Let me know if they work for you too!
- Backward lunges: 30 – In-place lunges, 15 each leg (can alternate too)
- Frog Jumps: 15 – Squat down, jump up and bring your knees to your chest
- Squats: 15 – Keep your legs shoulder-width apart, push your glutes out and make sure your knees do not go over your toes.
- Wall-sit: 30 seconds
- Repeat 3 times (or for as long as your body allows)
- Bicycle Maneuver: 30 – While lying on your back, extend legs straight out at a 45 degree angle. Raise shoulders off the floor with your fingers slightly supporting the back of your head. Alternate reaching your right shoulder (not extending your elbow too far forward) to your left knee, and vice versa. Repeat 30 times.
- Leg lifts: 30 seconds – While lying on the ground, lift your legs (straight and together) about 6 inches off the ground. Hold for 30 seconds.
- Full body crunch: 15 – While lying flat on the ground, extend your arms and legs straight up in the air. Simultaneously reach your fingers to your toes, contracting your abs on the way up. Repeat 15 times.
- Repeat 3 times. (or for as long as your body allows)
- Modified Push-Up: 25 – Start in a plank position, lowering your knees to the floor at a 45-degree angle. Keeping your back straight, lower upper body into a push up; once your arms hit a 90 degree angle with your chest roughly an inch from the ground, extend your arms back up and repeat.
- Bicep Curls: 20 – Stand with legs shoulder-width apart and palms facing forward, curl your wrists up to your shoulders with a 3-10 pound dumbbell in hand (weight will very depending on fitness level and goals).
- Lateral Raises: 20 – With a 3-10 pound dumbbell, lift arms straight out to your sides, making a “T” shape with your body.
- Repeat 3 times.
*Remember, everyone has different fitness levels. Be sure to check with your doctor before starting any fitness program.
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