1.) Massage / spa day - There's no better way to pamper especially if the person you are pampering abuses their body regularly for fitness or sport. TRUST ME ON THIS ONE.
2.) Health resort / Canyon Ranch - Exercise, eat well and enjoy the spa for a few days on location. This is an expensive gift but one that will surely be appreciated and has great potential to be romantic if you and yours aren't too worn out from all the workin' out.
3.) Road I.D. - If you're alive you should wear one of these and as a gift, your loved one will know you really, really care.
4.) Vibram FiveFingers - They may look unusual but they feel absolutely amazing and so do your feet and legs after wearing them for a few days. Warning: wearing normal shoes might start to feel odd and even uncomfortable.
5.) Camelbak - Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. I don't know a single athlete that doesn't own one of these and couldn't use another. Even if your athlete's sport isn't conducive to wearing one, chances are some of their cross-training activities are.
6.) An intro session with a nutritionist / personal trainer / coach - there are tons of amazing athlete's out there who haven't tapped into their full potential. One way to help them along is to put them in touch with the right people who have the experience and know how to harness it all.
7.) iPod nano - Most everyone I know enjoys listening to tunes when they work out, environment permitting of course.
8.) Heartrate Monitor - this is a really nice gadget to help analyze how your body reacts to athletic activities…
9.) Fitness Journal / Software / fitbit - Keeping track of input and output is often part of an Athlete's routine and more and more companies are putting out products to help; from software and gadgets for the technology geek to a beautifully bound paper journal for the traditionalist, there's no shortage of choices.
10.) Event Tickets - What athlete doesn't like watching their favorite sport live?
Happy (early) Valentine's Day!