In my Closet
It's true, we ladies adorn things that serve only to beautify and our shoes are probably the epitome of that practice. I personally am guilty of cramming my feet into the wrong size of insanely expensive shoes for the sake of looking good on far too many occasions. Afterall, discomfort is temporary and being remembered as the most beautiful girl in the room lasts forever, right? Well maybe, but now that the duties of motherhood are part of my daily grind comfort goes a very, very long way.
One of my favorite pairs of shoes in my closet for both fit and function are my TOMS. Let's be honest, the original style of TOMS is a slipper and I could kiss the marketing genius and avant guard hipsters who tricked the world into believing they're appropriate to wear almost all of the time. When I bought my first pair in Venice Beach five years ago they were much, much cheaper … or maybe they seemed that way because my mortgage in Venice was so much higher … anyway, since then TOMS have come up in the world and with popularity comes a manufacturer's right to charge a little more especially since the sole has been completely redesigned for the better and the color and style options are now more numerous. They truly offer a style/color combo for every outfit of every day of the week.
Comfort and cool factor aside, my favorite reason, not excuse, to buy some new TOMS is that it's a charitable act. "With every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need. One for One.™"
Just knowing that a little pair of feet will get a needed pair of shoes is enough to open up my wallet but wait, I get shoes too?
For more info check out How We Give, TOMS Giving Blog and