Please Rewind
In a world where consumerism is king, it’s easy to get caught up in all things superficial and believe that buying fancy, expensive things creates happiness, so let’s rewind; remember childhood and how it really didn’t take much to make you happy back in the day? Well, as an exercise, I decided to try a few fun activities that used to put a smile on my face and you know what … they made me really happy!
Here are some random, simple, little things that you can do with your friends or better yet, if you’re a parent, with your child(ren), to bring back those good times and you wont be breaking the bank!
1. Watch The Little Mermaid (my fave) or any other great kid flick (if you’re a parent this doesn’t mean catching glimpses here and there as you pass from the home office to the kitchen! SIT DOWN and watch it!).
2. Build a fort (or a tree-house if you’re feeling ambitious).
3. Make pb&j sandwiches. YUMMY.
4. Make friendship bracelets. Once you start making them, you’ll really be surprised by who asks you for one.
5. Re-arrange and decorate your bedroom. Let’s face it; it’s just as fun now as it was then.
6. Play capture-the-flag. Put your game-face on for some serious fun.
7. Run relay races (avoid hospital trips for stitches if possible).
8. Dress-Up Tea Parties. You can really get crazy with this one!
9. Eat some Cinnamon Toast Crunch or Lucky Charms. You’re an adult now and your parents can’t tell you no.
10. Bake a chocolate cake. Right after you put it in the oven don’t forget to lick the bowl clean, it’s the best part!
-By guest blogger Caroline Stilwell Burckle
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