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Six Pumpkins

Halloween is my favorite day of the Fall season and one thing I love to do to get in the celebratory mood is carve pumpkins. In the Tucson area, the two places my family and I go to get them are Agua Linda Farm and Brian and Kelly's.

The Agua Linda Farm experience is more like a day at a local county fair. There's a petting zoo, a hay maze, a hay ride, a tire swing, a country store with fresh farmed goods and a grill that serves all day. The main attraction of course is their pumpkin patch.

This year we picked as many pumpkins as we could carry and then grabbed a few more that were pre-picked and on display by the cashier. Need I say, Blaise loved every second of our visit.

Brian and Kelley's is a totally different environment that can be best described as a Pumpkin boutique, if there's such a thing. Their selection is amazing and their presentation is at a level above anything I've seen elsewhere in town.

Both this year and last, we didn't notice any activites for shoppers other than shopping but Blaise was quite content being rolled around in the little red cart provided for our orange and white selections.

I realize you probably won't make it to the two places I shop for pumpkins but jump on Google, you might be pleasantly surprised by what's offered close to you. Getting your pumpkins this year can be a really fun experience for the whole family, not just a stop at the grocery store.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Did I say that too early?


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