Finding Balance in  Life
Wednesday, June 20, 2012 at 2:06PM
Carrie in Athletes, Being a Mom, Family, Finding Balance, How Amanda Beard Balances Life and Training, Journal, Kids, Swimming, Swimming

I can't express to you how important it is to achieve balance in life. Whether you’re a mom, dad, athlete, businessperson or just a regular Joe; you need to find the perfect harmony between work, family life and “me time” to not only keep your body and mind sound, but keep yourself sane too! A good balance is what allows you to live a fulfilled life and really enjoy what it has to offer. I believe that I still love to swim and compete because I have found this balance (finally – not without struggle for sure!)

It doesn’t matter if you are an athlete pursuing the first-place podium at the Olympic Games or simply a motivated stay-at-home mom; either way, you always need time for you and the things you enjoy. I always say that swimming makes me a better mom because I have a way to stay fit, active and refreshed –  this allows me to come home relaxed and energized for my son. Being a mom is a welcomed distraction from my intense training and competition, though. After a tough practice session, I can go home and enjoy my family time without constantly thinking about swimming, which actually makes me a better swimmer. The two things perfectly complement each other and allow me to be motivated at home and in the pool.

Find your own balance.

How do YOU keep a work / life balance?

Article originally appeared on Amanda Beard - Swim Like a Mom (
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