Snack Attack
Monday, October 24, 2011 at 1:07PM
Amanda Beard in Amanda Beard, Food, Recipe

For a post workout snack I love making smoothies. Usually I throw in whatever fruit I happen to have in the kitchen but ideally I'll use the following ingredients:

-1 cup strawberries

-1 banana

-1 heaping tablespoon almond butter*

-2 cups non-fat yogurt

-1/2 to 1 cup chocolate milk depending on the consistency of the yogurt

-1 teaspoon agave nectar**

Blend and enjoy. If you have any favorite smoothie recipes please post them in the comments section so I can give them a try!


*Peanut butter may be used as a substitute. **Honey may be used as a substitute.



If you have any questions please ask in the comment section below and remember this is only an opinion. When making any changes to your diet you are doing so at your own risk and should have prior approval from your physician!


Article originally appeared on Amanda Beard - Swim Like a Mom (
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