Guest Bloggers
Age? 25
Education? University of Florida / BA in Sociology; Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising / AA - Professional Designation Degree in Merchandise Product Development
Occupation? Independent Consultant and Distributor for NuSkin / Pharmanex; Independent Styling Consultant; Private Swim Instructor
Astrological Sign? Cancer
Relationship Status? In a brand new relationship
If you were and animal what kind would you be? Monkey
What's your favorite color? Turquoise
How would you describe yourself in three words? Passionate, Independent, Spirited
If you could be any character in fiction, who would you be? Ariel from The Little Mermaid because she is a sensitive soul deep down on the inside, yet driven and enthusiastic … and who doesn't want her long, gorgeous, wavy hair?
Pirates or ninjas? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Age? 27
Education? BA in Sociology from UC Davis
Occupation? Actor, Writer, People Watcher
Astrological Sign? Cancer but I only fit the good traits I swear
Relationship Status? Mysterious
If you were an animal what kind would you be? Koala or a lizard depending on my mood
How would you describe yourself in three words? Random fact-or keeper, lover of apples and funnier than all the comedians I know … Was that three words?
If you could be any character in fiction, whom would you be? Alice in Wonderland
Pirates or Ninjas? I hang out with a lot of pirates and utilize my term "boogie down or walk the plank" but judging by the amount of disappearing acts and play combat I engage in I might be a ninja
Age? 35
Education? Arizona State University - Go Devils!
Occupation? Professional Health and Fitness Practitioner and Part-Time Professional Bass Fisherman
Astrological Sign? Saggitarius
Relationship Status? In a relationship
If you were and animal what kind would you be? Shark
What's your favorite color? Blue
How would you describe yourself in three words? Always in motion
If you could be any character in fiction, whom would you be? Batman (he's human with no super powers, but still considered a superhero)
Pirates or ninjas? Of course, ninja